
My Cloud Notes

My Cloud Notes Cloud Notes - Docker-Compose Download docker-compose sudo curl -L " $( uname -s ) - $( uname -m ) " -o /usr/local/bin/docker-compose sudo chmod +x /usr/local/bin/docker-compose sudo ln -s /usr/local/bin/docker-compose /usr/bin/docker-compose sudo docker-compose -v Oracle Cloud Base Ampere A1 - 4 OCPU & 24 GB RAMs - 180 GB (SSD) On AAPanel Install Docker-Compose On Oracle Linux 8 on OCI Download docker-ce sudo yum update sudo yum upgrade -y sudo yum-config-manager --add-repo sudo yum update --skip-broken --nobest sudo yum install docker-ce docker-ce-cli -y sudo docker -v sudo groupadd docker sudo usermod -aG docker < your_username > sudo newgrp docker sudo systemctl enable docker sudo systemctl start docker Disk resize on Oracle Cloud Instance sudo su ...

My CSharp Notes

My CSharp Notes My Notes - C# Replace Data : Lambda function (⋋) in C-Sharp var ReplaceData = (string val) => { string v = string.Empty; switch (val) { case "92": v = "B"; break; case "93": v = "A"; break; case "94": v = "X"; break; case "95": v = "V"; break; case "96": v = "W"; break; case "97": v = "G"; break; case "8": v = "N"; break; case "26": v = "D"; break; case "27": v = "E"; break; case "40": v = "H"; break; case "47": v = "I"; break; case "54": v = "L"; break; case "59": v = "P"; break; case "74": v = "Q"; break; case "77": v = "C...

Welcome to StackEditPro

Welcome to StackEditPro Welcome to StackEditPro! Hi! I’m your first Markdown file in StackEditPro . If you want to learn about StackEditPro, you can read me. If you want to play with Markdown, you can edit me. Once you have finished with me, you can create new files by opening the file explorer on the left corner of the navigation bar. About StackEditPro StackEditPro ( ) is a fork of StackEdit ( ) that offers an extremely agile development cycle along with cutting-edge features. If you currently use the original application, you can sync to your data sources and use both web applications with your current workspaces. You can also export your workspaces from one and then import them into the other. Files StackEditPro stores your files in your browser, which means all your files are automatically saved locally and are accessible offline! Create files and folders The file explorer is accessible using the button in lef...

My FSharp Notes

My FSharp Notes My Notes - F# Basic File Copy with overwrites - but no failsafe if failed. Can run on Linqpad in F# Expression Mode. let rec directoryCopy srcPath dstPath copySubDirs = if not <| System.IO.Directory.Exists(srcPath) then let msg = System.String.Format("Source directory does not exist or could not be found: {0}", srcPath) raise (System.IO.DirectoryNotFoundException(msg)) if not <| System.IO.Directory.Exists(dstPath) then System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(dstPath) |> ignore let srcDir = new System.IO.DirectoryInfo(srcPath) for file in srcDir.GetFiles() do let temppath = System.IO.Path.Combine(dstPath, file.Name) printfn "from:%s -> to:%s" file.FullName temppath file.CopyTo(temppath, true) |> ignore if copySubDirs then for subdir in srcDir.GetDirectories() do let dstSubDir = System.IO.Path.Combine(dstPath, subdir.Name) directoryCopy subdi...

My CPP Notes

My CPP Notes C++ Notes - Following to are from My Blogger’s Codesspot threads posted long time ago. Been re-written via Markdown Text and using StackEditPro My First Generosity - split function November 27, 2005 Here My first try to put some useful VC++ code… This is function which similar to VB Split command more or less of STRTOK with output as an array. If need include this as I am using CString for an array out. //#include <afx.h> //#include <afxcmn.h> Function here follows. CString * split ( CString str , char delimiter ) { long len = 0 ; if ( str . IsEmpty ( ) ) return NULL ; len = str . GetLength ( ) ; CString * st ; st = new CString [ len ] ; int c = 0 ; while ( 1 ) { int pos = str . Find ( delimiter ) ; if ( pos != - 1 ) { st [ c ] = str . Left ( pos ) ; str . Delete ( 0 , pos + 1 ) ; } else { ...

Split function with std::List

In Addtion to my earlier split function a more optimized method using the std::List. list splitList(CString str,char delimiter) { long len=0; if(str.IsEmpty()) return NULL; len=str.GetLength(); list st; int c=0; while(1) { int pos=str.Find(delimiter); if(pos!=-1) { st.push_back(str.Left(pos)); str.Delete(0,pos+1); } else { st.push_back(str); break; } c++; } return st; }

QtDD12 - Creating Mac GUIs with Qt - James Turner
